日本水処理生物学会 論文賞

日本水処理生物学会 論文賞

25 2023 Removal of Mn(II) and Zn(II) ions from synthetic mine drainage using a laboratory-scale Mn(II)-oxidizing bioreactor(Vol.58, No.1, pp.25-34, 2022)簾内君仁、渡邊美穂、岡野邦宏、宮田直幸
24 2022 Isolation and characterization of novel plant growth promoting bacteria from the fronds of duckweed(Vol.57, No.1, pp.1-9, 2021)岩下智貴、田中靖浩、玉木秀幸、中井亮佑、牧野彩花、遠山忠、森川正章、森一博
23 2021 八郎湖に生息するシジミ類の秋季におけるろ過速度と酸素消費速度(Vol.55, No.3, pp.59-65, 2019)藤林恵、宮田直幸
2007年-2017年の琵琶湖南湖における,溶存態かび臭物質2-メチルイソボルネオールの発生機構(Vol.56, No.3, pp.47-55, 2020)横井貴大、一瀬諭、竹本邦子
22 2019 Advanced wastewater treatment and power reduction in a multiple reactor activated sludge process with automatic oxygen supply device system installation(Vol.54, No.1, pp.13-27, 2018)張健、稲森隆平、陶村貴、馮伝平、徐開欽、稲森悠平
Biomass production and nutrient removal through cultivation of Euglena gracilis in domestic wastewater(Vol.54, No.4, pp.105-113, 2018)黒田真史、堀野太郎、井上大介、森川正章、池道彦
21 2018 Removal of tetracycline and tetracycline resistance genes from municipal wastewater in microcosm fill-and-drain constructed wetlands(Vol.53, No.1, pp.11-21, 2017)
Pham Thanh Hien、遠山忠、森一博
20 2017 ピコ植物プランクトンのろ過処理に及ぼす凝集の効果(Vol.52, No.3, pp.65-71, 2016)野村宗弘、安斎英悟、秋葉道宏、西村修
19 2016 1,4-ジオキサン分解菌Pseudonocardia sp. D17株の包括固定化における菌体濃度および保存が固定化菌体の処理性能に及ぼす影響(Vol.51, No.4, pp.83-93, 2015)井坂和一、木村裕哉、清和成、池道彦
18 2015 Effects of various duckweed species on phenol degradation in environmental waters(Vol.50, No.3, pp.95-103, 2014)李彦、遠山忠、田中靖浩、湯岳琴、呉曉磊、森一博
有毒藍藻類産生毒Microcystinのコマツナ、キャベツ、クウシンサイ土壌栽培における生育影響および吸収・蓄積特性評価(Vol.50, No.1, pp.15-22, 2014)神蔵雄生、類家翔、稲森隆平、鈴木理恵、徐開欽、稲森悠平
17 2014 Effects of operational conditions on treatment performances of single-stage nitrogen removal using anammox and partial nitritation (SNAP) process(Vol.49, No.4, pp.133-142, 2013)
16 2013 琵琶湖産の糸状カビ臭産生藍藻Phormidium tenueの細胞内微細構造観察:軟X線顕微鏡と透過型電子顕微鏡および低真空クライオ走査型電子顕微鏡を用いた比較観察(Vol.48, No.4, pp.157-163, 2012)竹本邦子、山本章嗣、一瀬諭、木原裕
15 2012 環境水中のクリプトスポリジウム検出を目的としたRT-LAMP改善法の実用性評価(Vol.47, No.1, pp.9-18, 2011)猪又明子、百田隆祥、泉山信司、勝山志乃、岸田直裕、秋葉道宏
Biodegradability of 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol by 4-nitrophenol-degrading bacteria(Vol.47, No.1, pp.19-27, 2011)山本健太、武尾正弘
Start-up water purification performance of multi-stage vertical flow constructed wetland treating milking parlor wastewater and paddock run-off(Vol.47, No.3, pp.103-110, 2011)
14 2011 Formulation of simple mathematical biomass model for selected floating and emergent macrophytes(Vol.46, No.1, pp.1-15, 2010)Rabin Malla、前園貢介、田中靖浩、森一博
Impact of nitrification inhibitor on nitrogen removal and related enzyme activities during infiltration treatment of domestic wastewater(Vol.46, No.1, pp.35-45, 2010)雷中方、清水和哉、張振亜
リアルタイムRT-PCR法を用いた河川試料水中のクリプトスポリジウムの高感度定量(Vol.46, No.4, pp.181-189, 2010)岸田直裕、古川一郎、黒木俊郎、猪又明子、泉山信司、森田重光、秋葉道宏
13 2010 ミジンコ個体群動態に及ぼす水生植物代謝産物の影響(Vol.45, No.1, pp.57-62, 2009)
Characterization of novel 4-n-butylphenol-degrading Pseudomonas veronii strains isolated from rhizosphere of giant duckweed, Spirodela polyrrhiza(Vol.45, No.2, pp.83-92, 2009)
Hoang Hai、井上大介、桃谷尚憲、遠山忠、清和成、池道彦
12 2009 Hybrid method for arsenic removal from groundwater(Vol.44, No.4, pp.175-185, 2008)
Md Shafiquzzaman、見島伊織、中島淳
11 2008 Degradation of the cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystin by bacteria isolated from a monoxenic culture of the flagellate Monas guttula(Vol.43, No.2, pp.99-111, 2007)藤本尚志、鈴木昌治、岩見徳雄、水落元之、稲森悠平
10 2007 Biochemical characteristics of microcystin LR degradation by typical protease(Vol.42, No.1, pp.27-35, 2006)岡野邦宏、間世田英明、杉田和俊、斎藤猛、内海真生、前川孝昭、小林達彦、杉浦則夫
9 2006 Effect of constructed wetland structure on wastewater treatment and its evaluation by algal growth potential test(Vol.41, No.4, pp.159-170, 2005)稲森隆平、桂萍、清水康利、徐開欽、木村賢史、稲森悠平
8 2005 自動制御間欠曝気活性汚泥法による生活汚水の窒素除去(Vol.40, No.1, pp.11-21, 2004)浜本洋一
7 2004 Selection of filamentous fungi for treatment of synthetic cassava starch processing wastewater containing cyanide(Vol.39, No.3, pp.109-117, 2003)Trung Quy Tung、宮田直幸、岩堀恵祐
Application of density current generator for large scale improvement of sediment quality in Lake Kasumigaura(Vol.39, No.2, pp.85-91, 2003)野村名可男、松村正利
6 2003 Anaerobic oxidation of ammonium confirmed in continuous flow treatment using a non-woven biomass carrier(Vol.38, No.2, pp.87-94, 2002)古川憲治、Joseph D. Rouse、今城麗、中村寛治、石田浩昭
5 2002 包括型および付着型PEG担体で固定した硝化細菌の抗原抗体法による挙動解析(Vol.37, No.2, pp.77-86, 2001)野田尚宏、蛯江美孝、生田創、常田聡、平田彰、松村正利、角野立夫、稲森悠平
4 2001 Development of simple methods of DNA extraction from environmental samples for monitoring microbial community based on PCR(Vol.36, No.4, pp.193-204, 2000)清和成、森一博、河野哲郎、浅野健一郎、立石尚弘、池道彦、藤田正憲
3 2000 Cause of offensive odor from eutrophicated lakes and its evaluation method(Vol.35, No.3, pp.199-209, 1999)杉浦則夫、院多本華夫、前川孝昭
環境微生物を用いたコメットアッセイ操作条件の実験的検討(日本水処理生物学会誌、Vol.35, No.4, pp.261-270, 1999)岩堀恵祐、宮田直幸、梅田泰史、青山光太郎、下位香代子、木苗直秀
2 1999 Isolation and characterization of a floc-forming bacterium Sphingomonas paucimobilis 551 from activated sludge(Vol.34, No.3, pp.195-205, 1998)藤田正憲、池道彦、中村文治、惣田訓
1 1998 環形動物貧毛類の増殖に及ぼす環境因子の影響(Vol.33, No.4, pp.207-214, 1997)国安克彦、林紀男、稲森悠平、須藤隆一
